Scott Pierce is a poet, printer, and publisher living in Austin, TX. He is founder and publisher of Effing Press and also works as a coordinator for Skanky Possum Press and as coeditor and designer of the skanky journal O POSS. Some of his poems have been bound under such titles as The TV Poems, Elms and Other Arteries, Exploder, and Some Bridges Migrate, the later of which is still in print from Small Fires Press. A recent project, Whisper in My Ear / You Are My Pamphleter: a book of poems about making books of poems is forthcoming as an Effing chapbook.
Some poems online can be found at
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Cyrus Console lives in Lawrence, Kansas. His first book, Brief under Water, is forthcoming from Burning Deck, January 2008.
Cyrus Console lives in Lawrence, Kansas. His first book, Brief under Water, is forthcoming from Burning Deck, January 2008.
Elvis was in a better place.
The style of the dog was naturally beautiful
The habit of travelers in service of God
The cowgirls’ under the stars, the students’
Caught as catch could, rushed, anonymous
Ever wakeful, bright, obedient
Lightweight, manually retractable
They spent weeks in this attitude.
For a time they were like floating. Drunk
Persons staggered through the gloaming
No home to them despite the many ways
They sought shelter there as if it were
Perhaps I will go. I am tired
Of what sets us apart from animals
How everyone can clearly see a music
Of her own invention in the shelter
Of Petrushki station, slowly sipping
Aftershave all afternoon.