Monday, October 13, 2008

McCrary, Hauser, Saffran to read at 6 Gallery.

Karl Saffran (b. 1981) works as Bookstore Guru at Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee. He recently read his "dead wrestler sonnets" at an event involving live wrestlers. He is the only other person I know who is in horrible debt but doesn't change his spending habits. He is also the only person that can bring me to tears with personal criticism. He co-curates Salacious Banter Reading Series with Mike Hauser, who has said Karl looks like a bearded Peter Lorre.

Mike Hauser (b. 1978) is the author of several chapbooks of poetry, most recently Psychic Headset (Mitzvah Chaps, 2008) and Close Gauge Petcock (Dodo, 2007). His blog, The Last Billowy Shirt, provides absurd respite to all who visit. He co-curates the Salacious Banter Reading Series in Milwaukee with Karl Saffran, who has said Mike resembles a young Wilhelm Reich. Here are some poems by Mike in Dusie #5.

Jim McCrary (b. ????) is a Lawrence dood whose collected chapbooks are forthcoming (2008) by ManyPenny Press. His list of “poetic friends” includes or has included Paul Blackburn, Tom Beckett, David Ignatow, Kenneth Irby, John Moritz, and countless others. He probably now hates me for "name-dropping". But he is generous, and will probably get over it. Here are poems by Jim in Locus Point.

26 October 2008, 7pm

Where: 6 Gallery (716 1/2 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS)

How much: Free (but you can buy books and donate monies for traveling poets)


. said...

ultimately life-affirming

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